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Carnilove Duck and Pheasant Grain Free for Adult Dogs 12 KG


Grain-free & Potato-free Formula for Adult Dogs of All Breeds.

Duck is an ideal source of proteins and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which reduce blood cholesterol levels. It’s a fantastic source of niacin (vitamin B 3), which plays an important role in metabolic processes within the body and also helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Duck contains vitamins A and C as well as important minerals such as iron, calcium, and selenium, while pheasant is an excellent source of vitamin B12, phosphor, and selenium. The combination of duck and pheasant creates a dietetically balanced and nutritious food containing all the essential amino acids.

Carnilove Salmon & Turkey Grain Free for Puppies 12 KG


Grain-free & Potato-free Formula for Puppies of All Breeds (1 – 12 months).

Salmon is an excellent source of highly digestible proteins as well as omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive impact on mental development, the cardiovascular system, and metabolism (they reduce blood sugar levels). It also positively affects the quality and appearance of hair and skin. Turkey is rich in digestible proteins and has high levels of trace elements, such as zinc, and also contains vitamins B 3 and B 6, which are critical for proper brain function, good muscle tone, and healthy growth.

Carnilove Salmon Grain Free for Adult Dogs 12kg


Grain-free & Potato-free Formula for Adult Dogs of All Breeds.

Salmon is a good source of highly digestible proteins. It’s easy to digest and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive impact on mental development, the cardiovascular system, and metabolism (they reduce blood sugar levels). In addition to helping prevent degenerative eye disorders, salmon and its fat improve the quality and appearance of hair and skin.

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